guzmanlegtownhallupdatedCHICAGO — To keep local residents informed of the legislative work going on in Springfield, State Senator Graciela Guzmán is hosting a monthly legislative town hall every fourth Monday until the end of May, beginning on Monday, Feb. 24.

“While the legislative committee and floor hearings are available to the public, many folks do not have the free time to listen in and follow all of the initiatives we are working on,” said Guzmán (D-Chicago). “These town halls will offer a rundown of what has been happening in Springfield, and provide more information for those who want to become more involved in the legislative process.”

Guzmán’s first legislative town hall will take place on Monday, Feb. 24 from 7-8 p.m. The first meeting will be held virtually, but the senator hopes to move to a hybrid meeting format in the future. Spanish interpretation will be available.

Attendees will be briefed on the major legislation that has been voted on so far this year, upcoming initiatives Senator Guzmán is leading, and the process of how the state budget is determined. Community members will also have opportunities to make recommendations on new policy ideas, or share their thoughts on the current proposals.

Guzmán is excited to share her work directly with local residents, and engage in discussion about these important topics.

“Establishing a model of co-governance and getting my neighbors involved is very important to me,” said Guzmán. “I look forward with working in partnership with my community to incorporate their feedback on legislation, so I can vote as a true representative of my district.”

To register for the town hall, click here. For questions on the event or other concerns, people can connect with Guzmán’s district office by calling 773-278-2020, or by texting 773-207-7838.